Chainlink Unveils Block Magic Hackathon: A Gateway to Onchain Wizardry


Chainlink, a leading blockchain platform, has announced the launch of the Chainlink Block Magic Hackathon: “Become an Onchain Wizard”. Aimed at first-time developers venturing into blockchain development, this hackathon offers a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in the world of coding for blockchain applications.

Unlocking Opportunities for Aspiring Developers

The Chainlink Block Magic Hackathon presents a plethora of opportunities for participants. Firstly, winners of the hackathon stand a chance to join the exclusive Chainlink BUILD program, gaining access to invaluable startup support and mentorship. Additionally, standout projects have the potential to be promoted across Chainlink’s extensive network, providing exposure to the broader Web3 community.

Moreover, the hackathon offers a focused, month-long period for participants to work on their project ideas. This dedicated timeframe allows developers to refine their concepts and transform them into fully-fledged protocols. Furthermore, the event serves as a platform for team building, facilitating connections with like-minded individuals in the blockchain space.

With a total of $400,000 in prizes up for grabs, the Chainlink Block Magic Hackathon features several prize tracks catering to diverse interests and skill sets. Participants can choose from prize tracks focusing on financial services, artificial intelligence, gaming and consumer apps, among others.

For those interested in financial services, leveraging Chainlink Data Streams and CCIP to build decentralized applications (dApps) offers an opportunity to pioneer the future of financial infrastructure. 

Alternatively, developers can explore the intersection of AI and blockchain by using Chainlink Functions to connect AI APIs directly to smart contracts.

Moreover, the gaming and consumer apps prize track presents a chance to develop blockchain-based applications with mass appeal, tapping into the vast potential of blockchain technology to revolutionize user experiences.

Judging Criteria and Bonus Points

Project submissions to the Block Magic Hackathon are evaluated based on a comprehensive points system, taking into account factors such as UX, technical implementation, practicality, and creativity. Winning projects typically demonstrate a balance of creativity, polish, and practicality, pushing the boundaries of blockchain technology.

Participants can earn bonus points for integrating multiple Chainlink services in their projects. The more services utilized, the higher the bonus points awarded, encouraging innovative use cases that leverage Chainlink’s robust ecosystem.

It is important to note that while past onchain hackathon projects are ineligible for submission, existing projects without onchain components can be enhanced and submitted for consideration.

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