How To Cash Out Pi Cryptocurrency: A Guide

how to cash out pi cryptocurrency

Pi is a new digital cryptocurrency that you can mine (or earn) using your phone. Over 37 million people globally already actively mine and grow the Pi ecosystem. Lets find out how to cash out PI Cryptocurrency?

But once you accumulate coins, can you cash out your Pi cryptocurrency to transfer value into ‘real’ money?

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover:

  • What is Pi cryptocurrency
  • Current progress towards mainnet launch
  • How and when Pi holders will eventually cash out
  • Tips for cashing out crypto safely

Plus a Bonus FAQ answering key questions around selling Pi coins for profit. Let’s get to mining!

Overview of Pi Cryptocurrency

First, a quick Pi Network refresher on key elements to contextualize mainnet launch and cash out abilities:


Pi cryptocurrency derives from a free social app founded in 2018 by two Stanford PhD graduates and an engineer seeking easier onboarding regular consumers onto blockchain, harnessing security but avoiding environmental waste through novel architecture.


Rather than energy-intensive computer computations, participants can mine Pi simply confirming the app daily. This Proof-of-Engagement algorithm aims reflecting prolonged user activity better than transient visits alone.

Current Status

As of early 2023, Pi remains in beta testing on the app only, with mainnet launch required before external trading/cashing out starts. Over 37 million global members actively mine with anticipation of Pi’s conversion into spendable cryptocurrency.

Now let’s get into the good stuff…

How and When Can You Cash Out Your Pi Cryptocurrency?

The critical precursor enabling any Pi currency transfers, trading or cash outs lies in the awaited mainnet launch evolving app test credits into fully decentralized blockchain-based coins activated on public ledgers:

Mainnet Launch Required

Similar to milestone network events in Bitcoin history like ‘The Halving‘, converting beta Pi app test credits into exchange-tradable coins on public blockchain networks requires the mining project first reaching ‘mainnet‘ activation phase officially marking live operational status as real cryptocurrency.

This long-planned mainnet launch for Pi will initiate across 3 consecutive phases:

  1. Manual wallet transfers enabled between early members establishing baseline peer-to-peer functionality
  2. App KYC requirements enacted ensuring identity verification compliance for all members
  3. Free float listing fully unlocking market value discovery, trading, exchange transfers and cash outs globally

Core developers hint 2023 targets for initiating mainnet launch. While delays always possible given complex technical milestones, the several year public beta nears conversion into live asset trading.

Sell Pi on Cryptocurrency Exchanges

Once marking mainnet operational status following app KYC introductions, exchanges like Binance, Coinbase and Kraken would likely list Pi fairly quickly enabling easiest cash outs into other coins or fiat cash similarly to selling Bitcoin and other established cryptocurrencies.

These centralized exchanges generally charge 0.1% to 0.5% trading fees converting Pi into currency deposits across user bank accounts connected.

To cash out Pi for fiat eventually, users need:

  1. Register accounts on supported exchange platforms
  2. Transfer Pi coins from Core Team mobile app into exchange wallet addresses
  3. Sell Pi coins at market rates for other cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum
  4. Withdraw/cash out fiat currency into your connected bank account

This traditional exchange sale process will provide the smoothest cash out avenue at scale.

Now let’s cover direct peer-to-peer alternatives…

Sell Pi Peer-to-Peer

For those seeking more private sales, Pi crypto can also transfer directly between independent buyer/seller parties once launched on mainnet without intermediary exchange listing necessarily.

Sites like LocalCryptos provide portals connecting mutually interested parties to agree terms and transfer Pi Network coins safely between one another via app wallets. Considerations here include:

  • Vetting Counterparties Carefully
  • Avoiding Scams
  • Managing Tax Obligations

While offering greater privacy, peer-to-peer sales require much greater fraud prevention precautions than using reputable high-volume exchanges charging minimal trading fees for ensured integrity, support and compliance standards.

Choose your preferred cash out method wisely factoring priorities like privacy, convenience, fees, transaction support, etc.

Tips for Cashing Out Cryptocurrency Securely

As explored above, converting Pi into transferable cash post the long-awaited mainnet launch brings understandable anticipation around monetary gains compounding years awaiting this milestone activation point.

However before participating freely in newly listed assets especially amid “gold rush” hype cycles, let’s review security best practices:

  • Use trusted platforms – Exchanges like Coinbase and Kraken offer insured custody and hack protections that non-custodial software/hardware wallets lack. Understand risks between ease of use and sole responsibility. [1]
  • Enable maximum account security – Require maximum complexity passwords, biometric authentication, whitelisting, activity notifications and if possible physical security keys protecting logins across devices against remote credential theft. [2]
  • Stagger cash outs – Rather than withdrawing entire Pi balances immediately, consider phasing conversions using restraint resisting impulse while monitoring platform stability and market conditions early.
  • Withdraw to external wallets – Once converted into assets like Bitcoin, consider moving funds into non-custodial digital or even cold storage hardware wallets where you solely control access. [3]

While we all dream of financial freedom finally unlocking newfound value through mainnet conversion, avoid underprioritizing security foundations enabling sustainable outcome possibilities over longer time horizons by managing risks wisely at the onset.

Patience pays maximizing cryptos promise with reasonable diligence.

Now onto some rapid fire FAQs:

Frequently Asked Questions

Still have some burning questions around eventually cashing out your hard-earned Pi coins? These quick hitters should help:

Can I sell Pi Network coins now in 2023?

No. As covered earlier, Pi cryptocurrency remains prohibited from external transfers, trading or selling before the upcoming mainnet launch with no exact date committed yet by early 2023.

Will Pi have real value when sold?

Once freely floating supply/demand market price discovery opens, Pi value will find equilibrium. Given the millions already mining Pi daily, non-trivial value can reasonably be expected barring unforeseen adoption failures.

How long after launch can Pi be sold?

Immediately upon public listing! But anticipated exchange infrastructure should allow seamless transfers and trading directly through official mobile apps once ready thanks to years of engineering preparation.

What might drive Pi cryptocurrency price changes?

Assuming sufficient mining momentum into launch, key influences include: market conditions when activating, new user growth and engagement contributing network effects, utility development like merchant payments integrations, mobile ecosystems adding apps/services payable in Pi, and speculation drawing investors monitoring adoption metrics.

Could Pi fail to materialize value?

Certainly – with any new crypto launch, the risk of failure exists if core utility propositions like user engagement and developer platforms do not coalesce positively reinforcing network effects post-mainnet activations falling short of cryptocurrencies deflationary programmatic money promises. But strong effort justification after years of progress suggests otherwise barring black swans.

How risky is Pi cryptocurrency overall?

As with all emerging cryptocurrencies until definitively proving adoption and stability measures scaling sustainability – elevated risk exists albeit seemingly outweighed by massive early user acquisition success covering immense groundwork establishing viability indicators through millions demonstrating usage interest over years of public testing commitments.


I hope this complete overview looking at eventually cashing out Pi cryptocurrency – from the prerequisite mainnet launch evolution to selling P2P and on exchanges plus security tips – helps set expectations navigating liquidation when the long-awaited opportunity arrives!

As true pioneers await Pi moving from test credits into blockchain-based app coins tradable and transferable into other assets or currencies globally, exercising reasonable security balanced with manageable risk should assist participants aiming to responsibly benefit from cryptocurrency’s democratized promises and tokenized future.

Buckle up and stake your mobile claim wisely with patience aiming durability holding strong once activation launches across the stellar horizons ahead!